Thursday, February 10, 2011


stiill oi! army for a future!!!!!!!! PROFILE BAND rADiO rOE-sUCk terbentuk pada 13 Agustus 2003... band ini terbentuk pada kesamaan pikiran dan kecintaan kami terhadap musik... awalnya hanya main-main band saja dari seringnya main dan latihan band kami mulai membuat sebuah lagu dan dari situlah kami tau bahwa pikiran,tujuan dan kecintaan kami terhadap musik cukup besar so apa salahnya kami mulai maju dan serius pada hobi kami tersebut.. rADiO rOE-sUCk terdiri dari 5 personil... Aldi (vocal), Pindra (gitar 1), Rakhmad (gitar 2), eQ (bass), dan Agus (drum)... yang di setiap personil mempunyai ciri khas masing-masing tentunya... he.. Dari idialis dan fikiran kami yang ingin band kami maju,kami tentunya tidak mau band kami fakum dan tidak dikenal oleh masyarakat.. dan dari usaha kami tersebut kami mempromosikan lagu kami di rodio-radio bandar lampung... juga kami sering mengisi acara-acara yang ada di lampung seperti acara; pensi SMA... promnite... openig DISTRO... kmu pun sring mengisi acara gigs anak2 lampung juga menjadi band pengiring organisasi SKATEBOARD di Lampung... dll rADiO rOE-sUCk contac person:081977155450(eQ) :081377622104(yudi suck)

Vokal : Aldy

Gitar : Pindra

Rythem : Rakhmat

Bass : Herwien

Drum : agues

synths : ekky

Kota Asal:
Lampung City

Manajer Umum:
Yudi 08994264277\087899287071
stiill oi! army for a future !!!!!!!! BAND PROFILE formed on August 13, 2003 ... This band formed at the similarity of our thoughts and love of music ... Initially only the band playing just from frequent play and exercise our band started making a song and from there we know that our thoughts, our goals and passion for music big enough so what's wrong and we began to advance our hobby seriously in the .. RADIO rOEsUCk consists of 5 personnel ... Aldi (vocals), Pindra (guitar 1), Rakhmad (guitar 2), Herwien (bass), and Agus (drums) Ekki (synths) ... that in every personnel has a characteristic of each course ... he .. Idialis and minds of us wanted our band forward, we certainly do not want our band fakum and not recognized by the public .. and of our efforts is we promote our songs on the radio Bandar Lampung ... We also often filled events in Lampung like event; performing arts high school ... promnite ... openig DISTRO ... we were often filled event gigs lampung children also became the band accompaniment skateboard organizations in Lampung ... RADIO HIGH SCHOOL, etc.
Vokal : Aldy
Gitar : Pindra
Rythem : Rakhmat
Bass : Herwien
Drum : agues
Ekki : synths